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Kayaking into Sunset


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Josh Stevenson

Senior Minister

Josh and his wife Katie originally hail from PEI.  They moved to Nova Scotia in October 2019, as Josh came on as senior minister and they joined the South Range community.


His passion is for reaching new people with God’s word, working with youth, and digging into God's word.  He graduated with a BA of Bible from Maritime Christian College in 2015. Josh and Katie have three kids who keep them on their toes.  Josh enjoys reading, cooking, and swimming, and sometimes enjoys doing home renovations if he really has to.






SRCC is an elder-led church.  The elders provide spiritual care, direction and oversight to the congregation.


The elders. are under the authority of Jesus Christ who is the head of the church.  



  • Bruce White

  • Josh Beaumont

  • Josh Stevenson. â€‹

Long Road

ministry leaders

South Range's ministry leaders oversee the ministries and programs, as well as the 'nuts and bolts' of the church.


They lead and serve in the ministries of Worship, Community, Education, Facility, Administration and Missions.  â€‹


Ministry leaders:

  • Worship - Andrea Sabean

  • Community - Sheri White

  • Education - Lynda Marshall

  • Facility - Gene D'Eon

  • Administration - Marsha Lewis

  • Missions - Josh Stevenson


SRCC's board is formed of both the elders and the ministry leaders.

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